Rivista | Lagoonscapes
Fascicolo monografico | 4 | 1 | 2024

Epic, Ecocriticism, and Aesthetic Anthropology: New Approaches to the Environmental Challenges

open access | peer reviewed
    a cura di
  • Stefano Beggiora - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile
  • Lidia Guzy - University College Cork, Ireland - email

This issue offers a selection of contributions by esteemed authors from the most diverse universities and institutes known for their work and commitment in Environmental Humanities, Ecocriticism, An-imal studies, Blue Sciences, Ethno-Ecology. Alongside them, a great space in this volume has been dedicated to the pioneering, experimental and creative work of younger researchers and postgradu-ates. We therefore propose a long journey through the literature and recent brilliant narratives com-ing from Africa and India, corroborated by exploratory and ethnographic scientific investigations at the ‘edge of the world’, from the distant islands of Scotland (St Kilda) to the Himalayan ridge (Sikkim). A series of Italian case studies document paradoxes and problems of the Sicilian land-scape, of feral tourism in Venice, and of the environmental policies of the lagoons in the Po River Del-ta. A renewed session dedicated to interviews, artistic performance and aesthetics enriches the final part of this volume. Through amazing productions from Australia, India, Italy, Estonia, the artist and the performer present themselves as a new sort of eco-political agents and mediators, in the attempt to process the traumatic anthropogenic ecological disaster and to reintegrate the individual into the living planet.

Keywords AnthropoceneEuropeArboreal symbiosisClimate changeApocalyptic thinkingAnimal EthicsSt KildaAnimated landsapeLand grabbingNon-indigenous speciesMultispecies ethnographySicilyRoy’s botanical discourseEcocriticismSci-artsEpic poemsSculptureSacred ecologyHydrosociologyPetrofictions, Environmental justiceEco-politicalCrisis of perceptionToxic narrativesInter-species relationsFeralityPlantationoceneWinter seasonThe Old DriftEnvironmental anthropologyCritical embodied practicesPostcolonial narrativesHPAIVHuman-seabird relationsPost natureTouristificationLand/SeaSikkimCareEcosomaticsSolastalgiaHuman-tree dynamicsPlanthroposceneNamwali SerpellPo River DeltaAnti‑tourism movementEnvironmentAvian aspects of aquapelagosEnergyMore-than-human ecologiesSenegal DeltaTouristic monocultureCapitaloceneClam farmingGoro LagoonBeyulNature/CultureSocial-Ecological systemsExtinctionDecolonial arboreal identitiesMoving landscapesAnthropogenic ecological losses

Permalink http://doi.org/10.30687/LGSP/2785-2709/2024/01 | Pubblicato 24 Luglio 2024 | Lingua en