Collana |
Filologie medievali e moderne
Recensione | Le poetriae del medioevo latino
Capitolo | Le poetrie e la bucolica medievale latina
Since the thirteenth century, the poetrie are an instrument of prescriptive codification for poetic composition. The bucolic genre, even though it was sporadically present in the IX-XII centuries, was employed by several authors thanks to Virgilian eclogues. The fourteenth century starts a period of intensified pastoral composition, which will notably increase in the following two centuries. The link between XIII-XV intellectuals and ars dictandi and ars poetria is undeniable; the remarks made by these authors on literary genres is programmatic and continuous. This paper aims to investigate what the poetrie (together with commentaries and notes) teach with relation to bucolic production and their weight in the pastoral composition of the XIII-XV centuries.
Presentato: 15 Settembre 2017 | Pubblicato 16 Marzo 2018 | Lingua: it
Keywords Medieval latin pastoral poetry • Rota Vergilii • Medieval latin commentaries • Medieval literary genres • Dantes’s eclogues
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