A partire dal 1868: nota sulla nuova pittura a Venezia
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Even 19th century had its ’68, particularly in Venice, where, without sensational episodes but with as much relevance, as regards the artistic situation, as what happened a century later, a series of events, if seen even if only in their apparently casual consequential and then overlapping, attests to a total value objectively unusual and rich in subsequent implications, ordered in the direction of a general renewal. Two years after the plebiscite that sanctioned the entry of Venice and Veneto into the Kingdom of Italy, many signs provide the clarification of an overall picture of great momentum due in large part to the contribution of a new generation of Venetians. The establishment of the Royal Higher School of Commerce at Ca’ Foscari, a prelude to the establishment of one of the major university centres of research and higher education, contributed to the rebirth and revival of Venice and its image, in stark contrast with the myth, never extinguished, of a city ‘inevitably’ linked to its never-ending end, to its endless twilight.
Keywords: Guglielmo Stella • Tommaso Locatelli • Strenna Veneziana • Emanuele Antonio Cicogna • Guglielmo Ciardi • Filippo Palizzi • Michele Cammarano • Pietro Selvatico Estense • Giacomo Favretto • Vincenzo Cabianca • Ermolao Antonio Paoletti • Federico Zandomeneghi • Venice • Luigi Nono • Domenico Bresolin • Fine Art Academy of Venice