Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia

Collana | Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia
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I codici si mostrano

Esperienze nella Biblioteca Malatestiana


The Biblioteca Malatestiana was founded in 1452 by Malatesta Novello, lord of Cesena. Since then not only its architecture, but also its furniture and manuscripts have been perfectly preserved. Therefore visitors can still admire its manuscripts in their original setting. In order to meet the educational needs of pupils and students for many years we offered special events, including guided tours and laboratories, specifically designed for primary schools, secondary schools and universities. Since 2014 we joined the Associations of Friends of the Malatestiana Library in organizing lectures concerning individual manuscripts, which during the lectures were exposed to the audience. Since 2016 visitors can get an experience of the ordinary maintenance and conservation treatment of manuscripts: once a month from March to June they have the opportunity to look at book and paper conservators at work. Besides, we experimented special guided tours for blind persons, who were allowed to touch the various parts of manuscripts (i.e. the chain, the cover, the two sides of the parchment leaves).

Open access

Pubblicato 04 Dicembre 2020 | Lingua: it

Keywords Malatestiana LibraryConservation treatmentsManuscriptsLaboratoriesGuided toursLectures

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