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Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica
Miscellanea | De la periferia al centro: nuevas escritoras vascas
Capitolo | Eider Rodríguez (1977), una escritora vasca
The Basque writer Eider Rodríguez, born in 1977 into a working-class village (Renteria, Gipuzkoa) where the political and social climate of the 1980s and 1990s was marked by the arrival of heroin into the lives of young people trapped between high unemployment rates and the ETA’s armed struggle, emerged as a breath of fresh air amid so much pain. Speaking of difficult issues can be healing, and Eider Rodriguez’s oeuvre reveals an author who writes in order to dig into our wounds and help us think about how to heal them.
Presentato: 11 Novembre 2021 | Pubblicato 04 Marzo 2022 | Lingua: es
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