LiVVaL. Linguaggio e Variazione | Variation in Language

Collana | LiVVaL. Linguaggio e Variazione | Variation in Language
Miscellanea | Heritage Languages and Variation
Capitolo | The Variation of Evaluation

The Variation of Evaluation


The essay discusses the phenomenon of evaluation and different dimensions of evaluative morphology in Modern Greek both from a descriptive and a theoretical perspective, focusing on intensification, deintensification, augmentation, and diminution. It is shown that adverbial preverbs in Modern Greek that have a degree function are used as evaluative morphemes and are categorized into the evaluative classes of boosters, maximizers, diminishers, and maximizing minimizers. The semantic analysis provided captures formally these categories. The study is of importance since it presents the variation of evaluation in Modern Greek.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 26 Luglio 2023 | Accettato: 16 Novembre 2023 | Pubblicato 18 Luglio 2024 | Lingua: en

Keywords IntensificationAffixesEvaluative morphologyEvaluationDeintensificationAdverbial preverbs

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