LiVVaL. Linguaggio e Variazione | Variation in Language

Collana | LiVVaL. Linguaggio e Variazione | Variation in Language
Miscellanea | Language Attitudes and Bi(dia)lectal Competence
Capitolo | Differential Object Marking in Aymara

Differential Object Marking in Aymara

A linguistic contact-induced phenomenon from Spanish.


This study investigates the contact-induced processes underlying the Aymara Object Marking system among Aymara-Spanish bilingual speakers. It explores two diatopic varieties: La Paz (Bolivia) and Muylaque (Peru) Aymara. Unlike previous descriptions, which identified the accusative case as the sole marker of DO, this study reveals that bilingual speakers employ three distinct DO markings: the accusative, nominative, and dative/allative cases. This analysis posits that this departure is due to contact-induced processes, i.e., replica grammaticalization, influenced by Spanish. Quantitative findings substantiate the hypothesis that Aymara-Spanish bilingual speakers are incorporating contact-induced strategies for DO marking in Aymara.

Open access

Presentato: 29 Maggio 2023 | Pubblicato 30 Giugno 2024 | Lingua: en

Keywords Transitive verbsDOMSpanishAymaraContact-induced language change

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