Collana | Italianistica. Nuova serie
Miscellanea | La tradizione prosimetrica in volgare da Dante a Bembo
Capitolo | Noterelle sulle lettere ‘prosimetriche’ di Felice Feliciano

Noterelle sulle lettere ‘prosimetriche’ di Felice Feliciano


This paper analyses the use of the prosimetric form in Felice Feliciano’s collection of letters, while taking into consideration their chronology and content. I note that the same poems are present both in the author’s correspondence and his collections of verses. I propose a reconstruction of the dedicatory letter of ms Par. It. 1029, a poetry book which Feliciano addresses to an unknown Daniele defined as faber argentarius.

Open access

Presentato: 21 Marzo 2024 | Accettato: 16 Maggio 2024 | Pubblicato 17 Luglio 2024 | Lingua: it

Keywords RenaissanceLettersItalyFelice FelicianoPoetryProsimetrum

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