KASKAL Rivista di storia, ambienti e culture del Vicino Oriente Antico
Nuova serie

Rivista | KASKAL
Fascicolo | Volume 1 | Nuova serie
Articolo | Lugal-šà-lá-tuku: Glimpses into the Career of an Old Sumerian Chief Sea Fisherman from Lagaš and his Work Environment

Lugal-šà-lá-tuku: Glimpses into the Career of an Old Sumerian Chief Sea Fisherman from Lagaš and his Work Environment


This paper examines the professional career of the fisherman Lugalšalatuku in Presargonic Lagaš as it is traceable in the nearly 1800 economic records from the institution é-munus ‘house(hold) of the lady’ renamed by IriKAgina to é-dBa-Ú ‘temple of the (goddess) Ba’U’ in the wake of his reforms. Basing on instructive examples from this corpus, it is attempted to outline his specific career during the reigns of the rulers Enentarzid, Lugalanda and IriKAgina (c. 2336-2314 BC) in his role as a prominent overseer of a group of sea fishermen. Specifically, the economic and social relevance of professional fishing will be considered in the context of its internal structure and organisation as well as the involved professional fields and sub-groups.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 26 Luglio 2024 | Accettato: 17 Settembre 2024 | Pubblicato 19 Dicembre 2024 | Lingua: en

Keywords economic networkLugalšalatukuÉ-munusOld Sumerian fisheries

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