magazén International Journal for Digital and Public Humanities

Rivista | magazén
Fascicolo | 5 | 1 | 2024
Articolo | Storia dell’architettura e Digital Humanities per la conoscenza e la conservazione del patrimonio costruito: un'esperienza italiana

Storia dell’architettura e Digital Humanities per la conoscenza e la conservazione del patrimonio costruito: un'esperienza italiana


This essay illustrates the ALOA project promoted by ICCD, whose aim is the reconfiguration of the ministerial records for the architectural heritage of Italy with the help of novel information technologies (ontology engineering, controlled vocabularies, interactive interface design, ecc.). By explaining every step of the design of the new instrument, it explores both the backstage and the final output of the new records. A panorama on the national and international experiences on both ontology‑based databanks and controlled vocabularies is also offered, to better understand the relevance of the project.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 31 Marzo 2024 | Accettato: 28 Maggio 2024 | Pubblicato 25 Giugno 2024 | Lingua: it

Keywords Heritage documentationBuilt heritageOntologiesControlled vocabulariesKnowledge graph

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