MDCCC 1800

Rivista | MDCCC 1800
Fascicolo | 3 | 2014
Articolo | Alcuni saggi accademici dimenticati

Alcuni saggi accademici dimenticati


The Florentine Academy of Fine Arts still preserves an important collection of plaster models: some of them are plaster casts of antique reliefs, but there is also a series of models executed during the nineteenth century by the best pupils, who won the Academy competitions. The modern critics have ignored these works of art for a long time, so they have been left neglected in the rooms of the Academy School, without caring of their condition. Only in recent times, the Soprintendenza Speciale per il Polo Museale fiorentino has begun to sort this sculptures, in order to recover them, and this initiative has switched on further researches on this subject. This essay conforms to a moment of renewed interest for XIX Century sculpture and, according to his context, it addresses to retrace the history of the Florentine reliefs and to identify their authors. The purpose or my research is to point out their worth and to develop the knowledge of the Nineteenth Century Academies of Fine Arts and their relevant influence on the art of that age.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Pubblicato 03 Luglio 2014 | Lingua: it

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