Rivista | Rassegna iberistica
Fascicolo | 37 | 102 | 2014
Articolo | Viajes temporales en los poemas extensos de Octavio Paz

Viajes temporales en los poemas extensos de Octavio Paz

Entre desgarramientos e iluminaciones


The study of some of the main extensive poems of Octavio Paz, from Piedra de sol (1957) to Pasado en claro (1975), allows us to underline the mnemonic mechanism often used by this author. A place, a date, a time of the day, trigger a temporal and sentimental journey. But the poetic I sometimes becomes a We. In the 1970s, the personal and intimate dimension of memory is completed by a collective dimension, both moral and political. The poem, then, expresses with great intensity a crisis of conscience. Nevertheless, it remains the best way of recovering the Eliotian “timeless moment” that Paz always sought, moment lost and regained through love, through the beloved’s presence – up to the threshold of death.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Pubblicato 03 Dicembre 2014 | Lingua: es

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