Home > Catalogo > Ricerche giuridiche > 1 | 2 | 2012 > I prodotti finanziari emessi dalle imprese di assicurazione e i prodotti previdenziali di terzo pilastro(*)

I prodotti finanziari emessi dalle imprese di assicurazione e i prodotti previdenziali di terzo pilastro(*)

Giuliana Martina    Professore associato di Diritto commerciale nell’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia    



Italian legislator has recently introduced the definition of «financial products issued by insurance companies». That requires a detailed examination of the rationes behind the choice of the legislator, as well as its consequences in terms of the applicable rules. The most important reason for the new legislation is the principle of “leveling the playing field”. The most considerable consequence is the supervision of insurance companies by the Authority for the financial markets. The paper aims, therefore, to study a subject that the current financial crisis has made it even more relevant.

20 Dicembre 2012
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