La comunità e il suo paesaggio: l’azione degli ecomusei per lo sviluppo sostenibile
Le iniziative di salvaguardia del paesaggio biellese
The European Landscape Convention is the first legal instrument concerning directly the landscape theme and its quality in a supranational way. The Convention's innovating element regards the recognition of the landscape as a common heritage. The Convention establishes that every citizen has the right and the duty to participate in the landscape’s safeguard. For almost twenty years, there has been a particular kind of museums for which landscape is the key factor. Ecomuseums respond to the need to implement conscious behaviour of land use. The work of eco- museums for the safeguarding of the landscape will be illustrated. The purpose is to demonstrate how these structures work under the principles expressed by the European Landscape Convention.
Keywords: Ecomuseums • Cultural sustainability • Participation • Landscape