Collana |
Filologie medievali e moderne
Recensione | Le poetriae del medioevo latino
Capitolo | Il commento di Bartolomeo da San Concordio alla Poetria nova: alcuni appunti
This paper proposes an excerpt of Bartolomeo da San Concordio’s commentary on the Poetria nova (vv. 1-263) on the basis of the two manuscripts that bequeath the work: the Casanatense 311 and the ms. New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book Room and Manuscript Library, Osborn fa.6; the first one contains the exegetic text in its entirety, whereas the latter only the initial part. In this paper, the distinctive features of the commentary and the sources used by Bartolomeo are exposed. The potential similarities and relations with other ‘Italian’ coeval commentators of the Poetria nova – especially Guizzardo da Bologna – are examined in order to better define the cultural context in which Goffredo’s work was read and commented on between the thirteenth and the fourteenth centuries in Italy.
Presentato: 15 Settembre 2017 | Pubblicato 16 Marzo 2018 | Lingua: it
Keywords Guizzardo da Bologna • Medieval rhetoric • Italian commentaries on the Poetria nova • Poetria nova • Bartolomeo da San Concordio • Pace da Ferrara
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