Collana |
Monografia | Donne in fuga
Capitolo | «L’anima altrove»: due scrittrici dell’esodo giuliano-dalmata
The paper focuses on two Italian writers who, after Second World War, lived the experience of Giulian-Dalmatian exodus. Anna Maria Mori, born in Pula in 1936, as a child left Istria with her family; Nelida Milani, born in Pula in 1939, remained in Istria. Several times in their works they told about that tragic experience, both individual and collective, sometimes even working together.
Presentato: 21 Agosto 2018 | Accettato: 30 Agosto 2018 | Pubblicato 06 Novembre 2018 | Lingua: it
Keywords Autobiografy • Narrative • XX century • Italian literature • Giulian-Dalmatian exodus
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