Filologie medievali e moderne

Collana | Filologie medievali e moderne
Recensione | Theologus Dantes
Capitolo | L’Anonimo Teologo: una proposta di lettura

L’Anonimo Teologo: una proposta di lettura


The essay gives the analysis and interpretation of some peculiar aspects of the MS Egerton 943 (British Library, London), one of the most important and precious codex of the Comedy. The first part is focused on the palaeographical aspect of the two hands that copied the poem and some explanatory glosses. The second part concentrates on the text copied by the hand B, the so called Anonymus Theologus commentary. Following a general introduction to this commentary, a deep study of the glosses to Par. I-XI, the most original part of the text, is undertaken. On the analysis of these glosses the Anonymous Theologus seems to establish a parallel between the raptus of St. Paul and the dantean ascent of the Paradise.

Open access

Pubblicato 17 Dicembre 2018 | Lingua: it

Keywords Egerton 943Dante AlighieriStPaulCommentaryParadiso

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