Collana | Studi e ricerche
Miscellanea | Studi di linguistica slava
Capitolo | Che cosa ci può dire il corpus sull’imperfettivo fattuale in ceco?

Che cosa ci può dire il corpus sull’imperfettivo fattuale in ceco?


In this article the author investigates the use of the factual imperfective in Czech through the Czech National Corpus. A comparison is made with the perfective aspect in a very specific context, but at the same time frequent, because of common use: ráno jsem vstával(a) vs vstal(a) ‘the / this morning I got up’. The results show that the perfective is found mainly in sequences of events and the factual imperfective in argumentative discourses (in both cases in the measure of 80%). While the exceptions are functional in the narration for the imperfective, the perfective in the argumentative contexts appears random and testifies to the existence of a gray area in which the aspects are almost interchangeable.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 16 Aprile 2019 | Accettato: 16 Maggio 2019 | Pubblicato 18 Dicembre 2019 | Lingua: it

Keywords Verbal aspectFactual meaningCzech language

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