Collana | Studi e ricerche
Miscellanea | Studi di linguistica slava
Capitolo | Маркеры ренарратива в русском языке

Маркеры ренарратива в русском языке


The present paper examines the Russian discourse markers ‘мол’ and ‘дескать’ as Renarrative markers that are generally considered conventional means to indicate information sources. Etymologically, they derive from verba dicendi. In this paper, relying on a large amount of occurrences taken from a Russian-Italian bilingual corpus composed by the Author, a qualitative analysis of their semantics is carries out. They can express different meanings: referring to someone else’s text with accurate or inaccurate quoting, pointing to their information source, expressing doubts about the reliability of transmitted information, interpreting gestures through verbal means and sometimes having contact-establishing and intensifying functions. The present survey allows to affirm that these markers indicate evidentiality, because they create a distance between the information and the person that communicates this information and make an important contribution to evaluate the truthfulness of a proposition.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 17 Giugno 2019 | Accettato: 14 Ottobre 2019 | Pubblicato 18 Dicembre 2019 | Lingua: ru

Keywords Russian Renarrative markersContrastive studiesTruthfulnessSemanticsEvidentiality

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