Collana | Studi e ricerche
Miscellanea | Studi di linguistica slava
Capitolo | Verso una tipologia di esponenti linguistici del genere femminile

Verso una tipologia di esponenti linguistici del genere femminile

L’italiano e il polacco a confronto


The present study focuses on the linguistic category of gender conceived as a set of any kind of linguistic means and devices encoding the information of the natural gender (sex) of a human referent. The semantic core of the examination is the extralinguistic and ontological ‘male vs female’ distinction. Our corpus-based analysis aims to describe and compare various linguistic markers of a female referent, as opposed to a male referent and to a group of mixed, male and female, referents, available in two Indo-European languages, i.e. Italian and Polish. The proposed typology of female gender indicators includes morphological, syntactic, lexical and contextual (semantic-pragmatic) cues.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 07 Maggio 2019 | Accettato: 23 Maggio 2019 | Pubblicato 18 Dicembre 2019 | Lingua: it

Keywords Linguistic codingPolishNatural genderFemale referentLinguistic genderItalian

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