Collana | Ca’ Foscari Japanese Studies
Monografia | Materials and Methods of Analysis for the Study of the Ainu Language
Capitolo | 18 • Ainu’s Relation to Other Languages

18 • Ainu’s Relation to Other Languages


Discuss: "How do we define a language family?". "What makes a language isolate?". "How is an isolate language different from an unclassified language and what makes a language so?". Consider the following six means scholars usually employ to advance their knowledge on isolate languages. Do you think they can be applied to Ainu? Which one(s) could be more effective than others and why? "Philological attestations and investigation, "Internal reconstruction", "Comparative reconstruction", "Loanwords", "Areal linguistics", "Wörten und Sachen".

Open access | Peer reviewed

Pubblicato 04 Aprile 2022 | Lingua: en

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