Collana | Bibliotheca Trimalchionis Tertia
Monografia | The Subtle Meaning
Capitolo | 10 • Brevity, Verbosity and Balance (īǧāz, iṭnāb, musāwāt)

10 • Brevity, Verbosity and Balance (īǧāz, iṭnāb, musāwāt)


This chapter, the last in a series of eight, each of which addresses a different topic within the Persian science of meanings (ʿilm-i maʿānī), examines ‘brevity, verbosity, and balance’ (īǧāz, iṭnāb, musāwāt). This chapter considers how utterance length can be manipulated. It also provides a taxonomy of various techniques of shortening or lengthening an utterance in an eloquent manner. Examples, mainly from Persian poetry, are given as illustrations.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 30 Luglio 2023 | Accettato: 10 Gennaio 2024 | Pubblicato 27 Febbraio 2024 | Lingua: en

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