LiVVaL. Linguaggio e Variazione | Variation in Language

Collana | LiVVaL. Linguaggio e Variazione | Variation in Language
Miscellanea | Language Attitudes and Bi(dia)lectal Competence
Capitolo | Varieties of Spanish in Contact: Overt Sociolinguistic Accommodation Among Western-Andalusians in Madrid

Varieties of Spanish in Contact: Overt Sociolinguistic Accommodation Among Western-Andalusians in Madrid

Findings from a Preliminary Study


The Andalusian variety is one of the most recurrently studied in Spanish. However, little research has been made so far to investigate intra-language variation among young and highly-educated Andalusians. Additionally, in approaching the study of intra-linguistic variation, delving into speakers’ own views on certain linguistic elements is important to gain a deeper understanding of the beliefs behind their linguistic behavior. For these reasons, this contribution presents the sociolinguistic views of a group of young and highly-educated Andalusians in a displacement situation, where their less prestigious vernacular variety faces a more prestigious variety, i.e. the one of the capital city of Spain (Madrid).

Open access

Presentato: 26 Maggio 2023 | Accettato: 28 Dicembre 2023 | Pubblicato 30 Giugno 2024 | Lingua: en

Keywords Intra-language variationLanguage attitudesIdentityMadridAndalusia

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