Collana | Studi e ricerche
Volume | Trasparenza e prevenzione della corruzione nel nuovo codice dei contratti pubblici
Capitolo | Per una trasparenza semplificata nei contratti pubblici: il codice dei contratti e le iniziative dell’Anac

Per una trasparenza semplificata nei contratti pubblici: il codice dei contratti e le iniziative dell’Anac


The intervention will focus on the transparency of public contracts as required by Legislative Decree 33/2013, and in particular on publication obligations, in light of the rules of the new Code, also drawing inspiration from the experience gained in Anac. In the new Contract Code, transparency is closely linked to the digitalisation of procedures up to the execution phase of contracts. With specific regulations, the Anac has given substance to the once only principle, guaranteeing the publication of data and information through the national database of public contracts. For an effective application of transparency and digitalisation, it is necessary that rules that are not coordinated with the new regime are not introduced and that public administration systems are strengthened.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 21 Maggio 2024 | Accettato: 07 Giugno 2024 | Pubblicato 20 Agosto 2024 | Lingua: it

Keywords TransparencyNational anticorruption authorityDigitalisationNational database of public contractsSimplification

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