Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica

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Miscellanea | Casas de citas
Capitolo | Montaigne, Warburg y Roussel. Tres lugares fuera de lugar

Montaigne, Warburg y Roussel. Tres lugares fuera de lugar


Michel de Montaigne’s cylindrical lair in his Bordeaux tower, Aby Warburg’s elliptical library in Hamburg and Raymond Roussel’s mobile home are considered here “places out of place” because they are examples of architecture built with words. The Essays, the Mnemosyne Atlas or Locus Solus, are places outside of their natural place because they are composed literary works that take into account the place where they were written. These are tree disparate writers who, in their own way, exercised architecture, and showed that literature and architecture could cohabit, share the same room, be in the same casa de citas.

Open access

Presentato: 23 Luglio 2018 | Pubblicato 19 Ottobre 2018 | Lingua: es

Keywords Aby WarburgMichel de MontaigneRaymond RousselLibraryQuote

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