Collana | SAIL
Miscellanea | Politiche e pratiche per l’educazione linguistica, il multilinguismo e la comunicazione interculturale
Capitolo | Mobile learning: esempi di buona pratica basata sull’uso dello smartphone in classe

Mobile learning: esempi di buona pratica basata sull’uso dello smartphone in classe


This paper aims to illustrate how the use of features of smartphones, such as the use of video-recordings and of a specific application (Kahoot!), can motivate learners within Italian middle school. When smartphones are integrated into a pedagogical framework, they provide an opportunity to explore forms of language and expression creatively and facilitate a training process centred on learning and on learners, favouring different intelligences and skills. Reference is made to the international and national context of regulations on the didactic use of mobile devices at school. Some examples of good practices are included too, and reference is made to a class-based activity in which an activity was carried out using the Kahoot! application.

Open access

Presentato: 16 Ottobre 2020 | Pubblicato 24 Maggio 2021 | Lingua: it

Keywords InclusionMobile appsFacilitatorsDidactic toolsLearning difficulties

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