Studi e ricerche

Collana | Studi e ricerche
Miscellanea | «L’umanesimo della parola»
Capitolo | Tracce reboriane nei Frantumi di Boine

Tracce reboriane nei Frantumi di Boine


Giovanni Boine and Clemente Rebora were two young protagonists of the Italian literary scene in the early 20th century: the first was mainly a critic, the second was a poet. The letters written immediately before the WWI testify that there were a great mutual esteem between them. A few weeks before writing the lyrical proses of Frantumi, Boine read Rebora’s Frammenti lirici, his masterpiece: this essay wants to explore the presence of Rebora’s poems inside Boine’s Frantumi, focusing on references and contacts between the two works.

Open access

Presentato: 07 Settembre 2022 | Pubblicato 02 Maggio 2023 | Lingua: it

Keywords BoineFragmentReboraPoetryLiterary criticism

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