Collana | Ca’ Foscari Japanese Studies
Miscellanea | L’estetica del vuoto
Capitolo | Toru Takemitsu, Between Tides: al di là del suono e del silenzio

Toru Takemitsu, Between Tides: al di là del suono e del silenzio

Analisi generale e riflessioni personali sull’opera


This article is born from my personal reflections while studying Between Tides, therefore contributing to the already existing literature of Toru Takemitsu. A general analysis outlines the structural motives as Sea Theme, played with E Flat, E and A, constitutes a matrix of other thematic cells. The piano writing chosen aim to disassociate timbres underlining the colors of every harmony, while the strings produce a sonorous effect with techniques and positions that go back to the avante-garde of the 1900s.  In Between Tides we hear an assiduous research of the sound and beyond it. Playing this work creates a unique performing experience where gesture and sound are inextricably bound together in an intimate relationship, where the sensitivity of Toru Takemitsu was able to seize.

Open access

Presentato: 13 Marzo 2023 | Pubblicato 21 Aprile 2023 | Lingua: it

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