Bhasha Journal of South Asian Linguistics, Philology
and Grammatical Traditions

Rivista | Bhasha
Fascicolo | 1 | 2 | 2022
Articolo | The Creoloid Origins of Chinese

The Creoloid Origins of Chinese


From 1513, Chinese mystified Western observers with its phonology and grammar. In the 19th century, von Klaproth, Lepsius and Karlgren extended the comparative method to Chinese and established Chinese historical phonology and grammar, but a lineage of benighted thinkers promulgated a racist rendition of language typology. This trend reached a crescendo during the Opium Wars and culminated in the Sino-Tibetan family tree model. Whereas sound comparative linguistics supports von Klaproth’s Trans-Himalayan model, embattled Sino-Tibetanists, unable to adduce evidence for their phylogenetic beliefs, today seek recourse to lexicostatistics.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 20 Settembre 2022 | Accettato: 30 Settembre 2022 | Pubblicato 28 Ottobre 2022 | Lingua: en

Keywords Sino-TibetanChineseHistorical grammarLexicostatisticsLanguage typologyHistorical phonologyTrans-Himalayan

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