Rivista | Rassegna iberistica
Fascicolo | 37 | 101 | 2014
Articolo | A propósito del sistema estético de Luis Buñuel

A propósito del sistema estético de Luis Buñuel


This review of Pedro Poyato’s book, El sistema estético de Luis Buñuel (Bilbao, University of País Vasco, 2011), highlights aspects such as the impulse-images of Calanda’s genius; the ‘ugly-ist’ iconography; the suspension of the meaning of the narrative; the declarative statements turned into terms of aggression; the ‘diminished’ narrators; the free adaptation that turns the literary text of departure into the final film; and the construction of the surrealist form, which does not so much follow Buñuel’s written scripts as the takes he elaborates based on his words and often those of others.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Pubblicato 09 Giugno 2014 | Lingua: es

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