Filologie medievali e moderne

Collana | Filologie medievali e moderne
Miscellanea | Contatti di lingue - Contatti di scritture
Capitolo | ‘Stati di lingua’, ‘lingue’, forme di scrittura e identità nella diacronia del greco

‘Stati di lingua’, ‘lingue’, forme di scrittura e identità nella diacronia del greco


Starting from the sociolinguistic ‘nature’ of the κοινὴ διάλεκτος («koiné») and from its written codification by means of the ἱστορικὴ ὀρθογραφία ‘invented’ and ‘imposed’ by Aristophanes of Byzantium (third/second century BCE), this paper offers an overview of Greek texts written in the Latin alphabet. Distributed along the whole history of the Greek language, from Antiquity until the present time, these texts bear witness to the constant attempt to overcome the problems of Greek diglossia. Special attention is devoted both to Greek texts written in Latin alphabet in Crete during the Venetian domination and to the influence of Western ideas on theGreek Γλωσσικὸν Ζήτημα («Language question»).

Open access | Peer reviewed

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