Ca’ Foscari Japanese Studies

Collana | Ca’ Foscari Japanese Studies
Volume | Materials and Methods of Analysis for the Study of the Ainu Language
Capitolo | 6 • Relative Clauses

6 • Relative Clauses


In both HA and SA relative clauses are obtained via the gap strategy. The relativised noun in the matrix clause heads the relative clause (i.e it is the relative head, RH). There is no overt reference to the head noun within the relative clause (RC), so its original position is signalled only by a gap. There is no subordinator (e.g. a relative pronoun, a relativiser, …) and the right boundary of the relative clause is only marked by the position of the relative head.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Pubblicato 04 Settembre 2024 | Lingua: en

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