Archivio d’Annunzio Rivista di Studi comparati

Rivista | Archivio d’Annunzio
Fascicolo | 11 | 2024
Articolo | Realtà e magia in Sogno d’un tramonto d’autunno (1898) di Gabriele d’Annunzio

Realtà e magia in Sogno d’un tramonto d’autunno (1898) di Gabriele d’Annunzio


The article intends to propose a reflection on the relationship between reality and magic in Gabriele d’Annunzio’s Sogno d’un tramonto d’autunno, published in 1898 and staged in 1905. The magical action, in fact, far from being merely a narrative expedient, lends dynamics to a theatrical text in which the action tends to be off‐stage, and enhances the dreamlike dimension in which the story is set.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Presentato: 27 Febbraio 2024 | Accettato: 31 Maggio 2024 | Pubblicato 17 Ottobre 2024 | Lingua: it

Keywords Sogno d’un tramonto d’autunnoRealismMagicGabriele d’AnnunzioTheatre

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