Lagoonscapes The Venice Journal of Environmental Humanities

open access | peer reviewed


Lagoonscapes. The Venice Journal of Environmental Humanities is a digital, open-access, international, and trans-disciplinary journal based at The New Institute Center for Environmental Humanities of Ca’ Foscari University in Venice. Lagoonscapes welcomes submissions from all the core disciplines of the Environmental Humanities, including literary and media studies, critical theory, visual arts, environmental and cultural history, political theory, and anthropology. Contributions are subject to a double-blind peer review process and are published by Edizioni Ca’ Foscari. The journal aims to promote a cross-disciplinary dialogue on contemporary and historical environmental issues, investigating relationships with non-human forms of life and the natural world from decolonial, feminist, and activist perspectives. Venice and its lagoon are a privileged location for sensing and interrogating the effects of human activity and climate change regarding the biological, cultural, and social dynamics of local ecosystems. The journal is associated with the pioneering Master in Environmental Humanities offered by Ca’ Foscari University and it aspires to become an international platform for scholars, artists, and activists to engage with the growing field of the Environmental Humanities.

Permalink | e-ISSN 2785-2709 | Periodicità semestrale | Lingua en

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Ultimo fascicolo pubblicato

Latest journal publication cover
  • 4 | 2 | 2024
  • Ecologies of Life and Death in the Anthropocene
  • Peggy Karpouzou, Nikoleta Zampaki
  • 06 Dicembre 2024
  • The special issue titled Ecologies of Life and Death in the Anthropocene examines a multifaceted notion of ecology: life and death involve numerous entities, processes and relationalities that cannot be analyzed separately. Grounded in the theoretical frameworks of environmental humanities, blue humanities, continental philosophy, arts and film studies, this special issue explores life and death eco-imaginaries and entanglements of the human and non-human world, highlighting an eco-ontology that exposes these entanglements where ethical territories of eco-grief and eco-mourning are unfolded. This special issue is structured in three main axes: articles that study existential aspects of death and life in the Anthropocene and are apt to environmental approaches concerning the intricate relationship between death and life in water narratives, articles that focus on how to deal with eco-grief through the literary and artistic conceptualization of the ecologies of life and death, and articles that shed light on alternative ecologies of life and death beyond the Anthropocene and the western discourses. The discussion about various narratives of ecologies of life and death moves across boundaries, considering that all research fields involve forms of expression that somehow ‘disrupt’ entrenched patterns while at the same time ‘revealing’ their contingency and opening the discussion about life and death, ‘(un)settling’ dominant grief imaginaries and ‘mobilizing’ different sensibilities for the humans and non-humans.

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