Medieval and Modern Philologies

Series | Medieval and Modern Philologies
Edited book | Contacts of Languages ​​- Contacts of Writings
Chapter | L’alfabeto latino alla conquista dell’Etruria

L’alfabeto latino alla conquista dell’Etruria

Un caso di studio: la necropoli tardo repubblicana di Balena (San Casciano ai Bagni, Chiusi)


The shift from the Etruscan to the Latin language occurred at different times in the various regions of Etruria. According to most studies, at Clusium the alphabetic and linguistic shift was completed in the first half of the 1st century BCE. The recent archaeological investigation of the Balena (San Casciano ai Bagni) necropolis, in the territory of the Etruscan site of Clusium, has unearthed about thirty tiles bearing Etruscan and Latin funerary inscriptions. These texts contain a rich onomastic stock, which dates from the middle of the 2nd century to the first quarter of the 1st century BCE. The analysis of these new inscriptions shows that in this part of Etruria the replacement of the Etruscan alphabet with the Latin alphabet was completed before 90 BCE.

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