Eurasian Studies Balkans, Anatolia, Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia Studies Notebooks

Series | Eurasian Studies
Edited book | Armenia, Caucasus, and Central Asia
Chapter | Identità nazionale e relazioni internazionali in Azerbaigian

Identità nazionale e relazioni internazionali in Azerbaigian

Un framework interpretativo


The constructivist theory of International relations, which belongs to the wider field of the sociology or historical sociology of the international relations, correlates the features of national identity to the international projection of the State. National identity is the embodiment of a range of symbols, cultural processes, ideology and politics. This essay examines the Republic of Azerbaijan in his external projection trough the correlation of identity elements in public space. The analysis will try to deconstruct the category of crossroads that is frequently related to the identity of the Caucasian State.

Open access

Submitted: May 21, 2018 | Accepted: July 2, 2018 | Published Nov. 15, 2018 | Language: it

Keywords Caucaso meridionaleAzernaigianFrameworksRelazioni internazionaliIdentità nazionale

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