Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia

Series | Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia
Edited book | Oltre le mostre
Chapter | L’Archivio della Pontificia Università Gregoriana (APUG) e la costruzione di un oltre

L’Archivio della Pontificia Università Gregoriana (APUG) e la costruzione di un oltre


Within our social system the discourse about cultural ‘objects’ is strictly connected to the concept of enhancement, derived from the economical field as much as several other terms today often used to refer to these objects (‘goods’, ‘consumption’ etc.). Expositions and digitization are usually two examples of enhancement where the economical and consumer aspects are prevalent over the semiophoric dimension which marks out cultural objects. Besides proposing a reflection about these concepts, the paper presents the enhancement practices carried out by the Historical Archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University, with a particular focus on the web platform Gregorian Archives Texts Editing (GATE).

Open access

Published Dec. 4, 2020 | Language: it

Keywords ConsumerismCultural industryDigitizationEnhancement of cultural heritage

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