Series | Studi e ricerche
Edited book | Priorities for the Sustainability of Maritime and Coastal Passenger Transport in Europe
Chapter | EU Policies on Sustainable Transport in Cross-Border Maritime Areas

EU Policies on Sustainable Transport in Cross-Border Maritime Areas

Connecting European Coasts


The goal of the chapter is to review the European projects on the topic of sustainable passenger transport in cross-border maritime areas, financed in the last EU programming period (2014-20). Moreover, main EU policies will be reviewed, with a twofold specific approach: a) mapping measures related to foster better permeability and accessibility of the ‘maritime’ borders between EU Member States; b) collecting insights concerning the implementation of the principles linked to the paradigm of sustainable mobility.

Open access

Submitted: June 15, 2022 | Published Sept. 7, 2022 | Language: en

Keywords Cross-border passenger transportEU Cooperation ProgrammeEU cross-border policyEuropean Territorial CooperationMaritime transport

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