Series | Ca’ Foscari Japanese Studies
Monograph | A Failing Mission?
Chapter | 5 • Jesuit Salvation in Japan

5 • Jesuit Salvation in Japan

This chapter shows how the many problems that plagued the Japanese mission resulted in a general crisis in the second half of the 1570s, as Cabral was unable to solve them. Although he initially received well the Visitor, Alessandro Valignano, Cabral soon came to the conclusion that the reforms implemented by the latter would doom the mission. The chapter also shows how Cabral’s correspondence now presented a new narrative, in which he reframed the chronic lack of resources he had long decried as a sacrifice of poverty to please God, to use as a rhetorical point against Valignano’s reforms. Convinced that Japan had been abandoned by God, Cabral requested more and more insistently to be allowed to leave and work where he could enjoy the salvific effects of holy obedience.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: June 21, 2023 | Accepted: Sept. 25, 2023 | Published Jan. 31, 2024 | Language: en

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