LiVVaL. Linguaggio e Variazione | Variation in Language

Series | LiVVaL. Linguaggio e Variazione | Variation in Language
Edited book | Language Attitudes and Bi(dia)lectal Competence
Chapter | How is the Usage of the Swiss Variety of Italian Perceived in the Educational Context?

How is the Usage of the Swiss Variety of Italian Perceived in the Educational Context?

First Outcomes of the Project Repertorio Lessicale dei Regionalismi d’Uso Scolastico della Svizzera Italiana


RepSi (acronym standing for Repertorio lessicale dei regionalismi d’uso scolastico della Svizzera italiana) is a project that aims at collecting and analyzing up-to-date data about the perception and the usage of the Swiss variety of Italian (ISIT) in the educational context in the Italian-speaking Regions of Switzerland, namely Ticino and Graubünden. This contribution is divided in two main sections: the first one intends to explain how the project RepSi has been developed and which milestones have already been reached during the first year of work; the second one presents a selection of words (explained both in their meaning and in their use) and some further developments related to school teaching and perception of this regional variety of language.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: May 21, 2023 | Accepted: Dec. 28, 2023 | Published June 30, 2024 | Language: en

Keywords Educational contextSwiss variety of ItalianItalian language varieties

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