Series | Alterum Byzantium
Volume 2 | Monograph | Giovanni VI Cantacuzeno e l’Islam
This volume presents a novel interpretative framework and analysis of the anti-Islamic corpus composed by Emperor John VI Cantacuzenus. The study of the text’s transmission in the context of the entire manuscript tradition of Cantacuzenus’s works, its relationship to the sources, and especially Cydones’s translation of Riccoldo da Monte di Croce’s Contra Legem Saracenorum, are essential to understanding its place within the broader corpus of Cantacuzenus’s writings. The investigation of the content as a work of apologetic polemic offers a new positioning of the text within the author's oeuvre and attests to the corpus's absolute novelty in the context of Byzantine anti-Islamic literature. The analysis is accompanied by a complete translation of the work.
Keywords Apologetica • Polemistica • Cantacuzeno • Bisanzio • Islam
Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-838-5 | Published Forthcoming | Language gr, it
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