Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Venezia

Series | Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Venezia
Edited book | Cronache della Soprintendenza di Venezia. Attività e ricerche
Chapter | I forni militari a San Biagio con i depositi di biscotto

I forni militari a San Biagio con i depositi di biscotto

Una storia di logistica proto‑industriale nei pressi dell’Arsenale di Venezia


The buildings known from the nineteenth century as the Military Bakery at San Biagio, in riva Ca’ di Dio, are documented around 1322-23 as already existing; they remained in function till late nineteenth century. The biscotto, or biscòto, the sailor’s bread, was an essential food for the Venetian navy, because it could be preserved for a very long time; producing biscotto was also a very important mechanism to use the extra reserves of grain in abundance periods, to build strategic reserves for less fortunate times. Based on a survey from the years 1930 and a set of archive documents from the years 1754-55 (among these a drawing of the Proto Paolo Rossi), not studied before, the research aims to identify how the functions of the old Military Bakery was distributed in space, trying to find the meaning of different preserved architectural elements.

Open access

Submitted: Aug. 29, 2024 | Published Dec. 19, 2024 | Language: it

Keywords Navy biscuit depositsArsenalHistoric bread technologyEighteenth-nineteenth centuryMilitary bakeryProto-industrial architecture

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