Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia

Series | Studi di archivistica, bibliografia, paleografia
Volume | Memoria poetica e poesia della memoria
Chapter | Modelli impaginativi tra Longobardi e Carolingi

Modelli impaginativi tra Longobardi e Carolingi


Between the end of the eighth century and the first half of the ninth century the text layout in the Lombard inscriptions which were expression of the elite undergoes a transformation. The funeral poems that originally were of short extension become larger, the extension of the text being adapted to a horizontal layout divided into two columns. This could be possibly due to their placement at the burials. The comparative study between the width of the inscriptions and Lombard funerary monuments – e.g. the burial arcosolium for the Queen Ansa in the church of San Salvatore in Brescia – suggests the parietal location of the slabs in the tomb arcosolium above the burials.

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Keywords Lombard epigraphyCarmina epigraphicaParietal slabsFunerary monumentsFuneral poetry

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