Journal |
Journal issue | 7 | 2 | 2023
Research Article | Officina di IG XIV2 – Probable Defixio on a Tile from Taranto
The paper discusses the first edition of a list of personal names inscribed on a terracotta tile. The document, which dates back to the early Hellenistic period, was brought to light in 1988 from a craft area site in Taranto (via Leonida 52). The type of inscription seems to refer to the genre of defixiones written in the form of a nominal list, while the type of medium appears to be rather unusual for a magical text. Comparison with a coeval defixio from Taranto and similar documents shows that magic lists are known to have been used in Taranto during the Hellenistic period, as well as in other areas of Magna Graecia and Sicily.
Submitted: July 29, 2023 | Accepted: Nov. 17, 2023 | Published March 15, 2024 | Language: it
Keywords Hellenistic Taras • Greek onomastics • Magic lists • Defixiones • Magic inscriptions on pottery • Ceramics industry
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