Journal | Rassegna iberistica
Journal issue | 43 | 114 | 2020
Research Article | Listening to Pablo García Baena

Listening to Pablo García Baena

Notes on the Translation of Rumore occulto


The article focuses on the Spanish poet Pablo García Baena’s first Italian anthology, Rumore occulto, published by Passigli Editori in 2018. It demonstrates how audio recordings can inform translation process especially when dealing with poetry. By collecting and examining specific recordings where García Baena reads aloud some of his poems, the study shows in what way this author uses prosodic tools as caesura and enjambment to modify the versification of his poems. In these specific recordings, translator can listen to how author’s voice rearranges the printed poem and use these variations to reproduce specific metrics and rhythm in the target language too. This type of recordings also helps with semantics; in fact, interpreting the poem following the author’s vocal action on the original text can be beneficial to make a better lexical choice.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Dec. 10, 2019 | Accepted: Oct. 21, 2020 | Published Nov. 10, 2020 | Language: es

Keywords Pablo García BaenaLectura poéticaAudio recordingMetricsTraducciónMétricaVozSpanish poetryPoetry readingVoiceGrabación de audioPoesía española| Pablo García BaenaTranslation

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