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Capitolo | Pasticcio y piemontesidad en la Pampa Gringa

Pasticcio y piemontesidad en la Pampa Gringa


Cocoliche is a phenomenon strongly associated with the presence of immigrants, who create it and keep it alive. Unlike Buenos Aires and other urban conglomerates where dispersion and the need to ‘argentinise’ themselves threatened the possibility of their permanence, in the Pampa Gringa the same thing didn’t happen. From 1853, the migratory policies of the provincial governments made possible a colossal colonising phenomenon accompanied by strong concentration of Italian immigrants. In this concentration, the pre-eminence of the Piedmontese over other dialects was remarkable. The gregarious way in which many of these colonies were formed favoured the maintenance in the collective oral memory of a particular local Cocoliche with a strong Piedmontese imprint, which I prefer to call pasticcio, which to this day still has a lot of vitalism.

Open access

Presentato: 16 Dicembre 2021 | Pubblicato 25 Marzo 2022 | Lingua: es

Keywords Pampa GringaLinguistic pasticcioArgentinaImmigrationPiedmontesity

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