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Capitolo | Is It Difficult to Launch a Pioneering Master’s Program in Translation?

Is It Difficult to Launch a Pioneering Master’s Program in Translation?


As translation technology becomes a part of everyday life, translation students use it not in the same way as professionals do. The teachers’ aim often shifts from introducing Machine Translation (MT) to correcting habits of its use. Moreover, MT literacy and awareness of MT´s possibilities and limitations become an integral part of professional translation competence. Teaching professional translation in this context is a challenge. This paper presents the case of launching a pioneering Master's program “Computer-Assisted and Machine Translation Technology” at Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Russia) in 2021.

Open access

Presentato: 14 Luglio 2023 | Pubblicato 07 Dicembre 2023 | Lingua: fr

Keywords Translation technologyTranslation competenceComputer-assisted and machine translation technoloInterdisciplinary approachMaster’s Programme in Translation

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