Series | Antiquity Studies
Volume 23 | Edited book | The Gift of Altino

The Gift of Altino

Archeology Writings in Honour of Margherita Tirelli
open access
    edited by
  • Giovannella Cresci Marrone - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile
  • Giovanna Gambacurta - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email orcid profile
  • Anna Marinetti - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Italia - email

In this volume, colleagues and friends pay tribute to Margherita Tirelli, archaeologist, curious and lively interpreter of an archaeological method that has marked a particularly flourishing season of excavations, discoveries, studies and non-superficial initiatives of valorisation. To Altino, as the progenitor of Venice, Margherita Tirelli has dedicated and continues to dedicate her uninterrupted attention, from the excavations to the delicate transition to the new prestigious museum site. In this perspective, the scholar has developed a fruitful collaboration with the Department of Humanistic Studies of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, concretised in a convention of studies and research and in six conferences of Altino studies, aimed at investigating various themes: from the funerary to the social and the sacred. The diachronic spectrum of its archaeological, historical and epigraphic interests is reflected in the articulation of the contributions dedicated to it here: from the culture of the ancient Veneti to the themes of Romanity, up to a specific focus on glass production. The volume closes with a work on glass from the ‘historical’ age, a subject that still sees her as a reference figure in the Venetian context, and one dedicated to the choices of museum layout, a subject of communication in which she has been able to combine elegance and effectiveness with her collaborators.

Keywords WineRemounting HandlesVeneticPater patronusEtymologyRoman NecropolisEarly Middle AgesDialogue with the passerbyCoin findsLate AntiquityShipsGlassIron AgeMuseum DisplayLibationPreroman VenetoAltinumThree-hoops EarringsMaternityMuseum CommunicationMosaic GlassVotive BronzesheetRitualRoman and Preroman AntiquityIconographyVerona PlainSpinningMeza StampauraManagementLT D1HarbourBronze BeltMuseumToponomyAngelo BarovierClause of ‘affective prose’Situla ArtRepresentativeness of coin findsLanguage changeAdige riverFuneral IdeologyMurrinaRoman VenetoFlat-bottomed AmphoraeRosettaArcadiusNecropolisEpigraphic situationShieldEsteMuseologistAltinoArchaeological MuseumTradeFunerary MonumentEnhancementLate Roman coinsMimeVenetoSerenaWomen’s ClothingCeltic WarriorsPietro AretinoMiniaturistMuranoPantomimeTorcelloAdriatic seaAediculeArchaeology of CultNumismaticsMould CastSeascapeArchaeological ParkCrystal GlassRestorationOpistographyLineageCeltic GravePataviumPreroman WorshipFrescoSanctuaryCenomaniRoman-byzantine CraftmanshipRoadsHonorius and Theodosius IICremationDancerRoman AgeLate Roman Lead SealsRoman VeronaAquileiaFrancesco ZenGiovanni Da UdineRoman OderzoGlass TypologyPottery Production

Permalink | e-ISBN 978-88-6969-380-9 | ISBN (PRINT) 978-88-6969-390-8 | Published Dec. 16, 2019 | Language it