Lexis Supplements Lexis Studies in Greek and Latin Literature | Lexis Ancient Philosophy |
Lexis Sources, Texts and Commentaries

Series | Lexis Supplements
Edited book | Classic and Contemporary Agamemnon
Chapter | L’Agamemnon di Seneca nel volgarizzamento tardo-quattrocentesco di Evangelista Fossa

L’Agamemnon di Seneca nel volgarizzamento tardo-quattrocentesco di Evangelista Fossa

Tecniche e finalità di traduzione


The first Florentine vernacular translation of Seneca’s Agamemnon into verse dates back to the late 15th century. It was composed by Friar Evangelista Fossa, a member of the Order of Servants of Mary, and was published in Venice on 28th January 1497. The translation is incomplete, since it only covers the tragedy up to its second chorus; however, it has interesting features both as far as metrics (the models provided by Dante’s Commedia and by vernacular bucolic poetry are evident) and contents (the Christianisation of the hypotext is relevant) are concerned. The contribution offers an in-depth study of Fossa’s translation style and his debt towards vernacular literature and the humanistic commentaries on Seneca’s tragedies by Gellio Bernardino Marmitta and Daniele Caetani.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Dec. 22, 2021 | Accepted: March 2, 2022 | Published Dec. 13, 2022 | Language: it

Keywords SenecaClassical Reception StudiesVernacular TranslationsAgamemnonEvangelista Fossa

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