LiVVaL Linguaggio e Variazione | Variation in Language

Series | LiVVaL
Edited book | Lingua inclusiva: forme, funzioni, atteggiamenti e percezioni
Chapter | Osservazioni sulle strategie linguistiche di inclusione in testi informativi d’ambito medico e sull’accettabilità di alcuni nomi femminili delle professioni sanitarie

Osservazioni sulle strategie linguistiche di inclusione in testi informativi d’ambito medico e sull’accettabilità di alcuni nomi femminili delle professioni sanitarie


The work focuses on the use of inclusive and differentiated linguistic strategies from a gender equality perspective within written communication in the medical field to verify whether there is an alignment there with what has been attempted for several years in the administrative and legal field. To this end, the study presents a) the linguistic data obtained from the examination of 30 brochures and medical information booklets produced by Italian institutions and associations; b) the results obtained from an online survey, aimed at verifying the degree of acceptability of certain feminine forms of professional nouns in the medical field.

Open access | Peer reviewed

Submitted: Feb. 23, 2024 | Accepted: July 22, 2024 | Published Dec. 13, 2024 | Language: it

Keywords Italian LanguageHealth literacyPerception of gendered nounsGender inclusive LanguageMedical Language

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